Available courses

What will you learn?

Jira Software (JSW) is a Project Management tool. It helps you track the tasks you and your colleagues are working on.

This course covers all that you need to understand JSW as a user. It will explain what's useful for you to know and how things work using examples from everyday Jira usage.

The participant of this lecture will be ready to start using Jira Software in a professional setting.

During the class, we'll be focusing on the Cloud version of Jira and its specifics. Most of what you will learn, however, also applies to the Server and Data Center deployments.


  • Professional experience working with PC and internet browsers
  • No previous knowledge of Jira needed
  • Experience working with similar systems and awareness of basic IT or project management terminology is a plus
We recommend trying out what you learn. For that, youll need a Jira Software Cloud testing instance that you can create here for free. We recommend using the Standard version.

Description and structure of the training

  • Introduction - What is Jira Software? How does it work? Why is it used? Who uses it?
  • Which parts does Jira have?
  • What can you find in the Jira interface?
  • Projects and what are they used for
  • Working with issues
  • What are workflows?
  • Filtering issues
  • How can you create your own report?
  • Configure a custom Dashboard
  • How to track time and estimate your issues?
  • Components and Versions
  • Test your knowledge
  • Practical exercises

Who is this course for

The training is aimed at users without any prior Jira experience who will be using it in Cloud.

What will you learn?

Migrating from Server to Cloud changes the Confluence user experience, and your teams need to know how to work in the new environment.

This course covers what awaits users used to on-premise Confluence. It will lead them through what is new, what is different, and how it impacts their everyday work.

The participant of this webinar will be ready to be onboarded on Confluence Cloud.

We are comparing the features of Confluence Cloud as it was in fall 2021, and on-prem Confluence Server 7.13.0.


To take this course, we recommend having basic Confluence knowledge and to try out what you learn. For that, youll need a Confluence Cloud testing instance that you can create here for free. We recommend using the Standard version.

Description and structure of the training

Who is this course for

The training is aimed at users of all experience levels working on on-premise Confluence instances that will be migrated to Cloud.

What will you learn?

Migrating from Server to Cloud changes the Jira user experience, and your teams need to know how to work in the new environment.

This course covers what awaits users used to on-premise Jira. It will lead them through what is new, what is different, and how it impacts their everyday work.

The participant of this webinar will be ready to be onboarded on Jira Cloud.

We are comparing the features of Jira Cloud as it was in fall 2021, and on-prem Jira Server 8.6.


To take this course, we recommend having a basic knowledge of Jira and to try out what you learn. For that, youll need a Jira Cloud testing instance that you can create here for free.

Description and structure of the training

  • Your first steps: Logging in and exploring the UI
  • How to use the remodeled navigation panel
  • Working with issues: The new view
  • How can the "Your Work" panel help you?
  • Team-managed and Classic projects
  • Test your knowledge!

Who is this course for

The training is aimed at users of all experience levels working on on-premise Jira instances that will be migrated to Cloud.

What will you learn?

JQL (Jira Query Language) is a language used for searching in Jira. It helps users when they want to create relevant reports, datasets and filters out of Jira issues.

This course will cover what JQL is, how it functions, and how can you use it in your everyday work sothat it brings reliable results. Each section of the lesson is illustrated with real-life examples to help you practice.


To take this course, we recommend having a basic knowledge of Jira.

We also recommend that you try out what you learn in the course. For that, youll need a Jira instance that you can create here for free.

Description and structure of the training

JQLs building blocks: the fields, the operators, keywords and functions
-  How to use it and how will it help you
-  Using JQL in filters, reports and other places
Common and uncommon use cases that JQL helps with
-  Bonus Scriptrunner content: How to improve search with the popular scripting app
Practical exercises andexams to test your knowledge of JQL.

Who is this course for

The training is aimed at absolute beginners that never used (or even heard about) JQL before, but users of all experience levels can learn useful tips from the course.